
Best of: A Lookback at 2021

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What a year! We’ve continued to adapt to new working environments, a return to campus, new technologies, and novel cyberthreats. The Office Information Security launched a monthly newsletter, ran university-wide competitions, and engaged the WashU community with a slate of events and communications for Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Once again, we are proud to be among CISA’s Cybersecurity Champions in 2021.

The need for cybersecurity communications has only become more urgent in the past year. Our office is committed to protecting our institution from security threats, and you, the WashU community, are a big part of how we do that. Our readership and competition participation have grown this year. We are proud to serve such an informed and interested community.

Below, please find a recap of some of our 2021 content. Thank you for reading our newsletter. We look forward to continuing this important conversation with you.

Feature Articles

We ran original feature articles on a variety of topics, including phishing and impersonation scams, the hacker mindset, misinformation, and more.

We discussed security tools and services available to the WashU community.

And we offered tips for protecting yourself while at work, while traveling, shopping, enjoying the holidays, and anytime.

Letters from the CISO

We ran regular contributions with security wisdom from our CISO.

Scam of the Month

Each month, we dissected at least one real-world scam so that the WashU community can identify common threats.

Meet the Team

We introduced many members of the information security team, highlighting the important work they do for the Office of Information Security in service of our shared university mission.

Many thanks to our audience for doing your part to protect the WashU community from cybercrime. Have a happy, healthy, and secure holiday season!