
NCSAM Retrospective

The Office of Information Security recently wrapped up a month of exciting activities and events across Washington University campuses for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. We are grateful to everyone who took the time to participate in this year’s events, and we are already looking forward to next year’s program.

During October 2019, the Office of Information Security worked with partners from BJC, Student Technology Services, DevSTAC, the Operations and Facilities Management Department, the Office of Sustainability, the HIPAA Privacy Office, and WashU IT’s Marketing and Communications Office. We welcomed the participation of Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) from BJC, Mercy Health, St. Luke’s Hospital, Blessing Health System, and our CISO, Kevin Hardcastle.

The month’s activities included the following:

Shred IT
During this e-waste disposal and shredding event, members of our community brought in 1,025 pounds of paper and 4,456 pounds of electronics to be recycled.

Healthcare CISO Fireside Chat and Topics in Security talk
Key leaders from WashU and area institutions shared their wisdom, experience, and vision with 120 members of our community.

Health Happening
The Office of Information Security joined in the happening on the Danforth campus to disseminate information about digital health and wellbeing through good security practices, including encryption and identity-theft prevention. Gil the Phish made an appearance at this event, and he is eager to return to our enthusiastic community in the coming months*

Workplace Security and Giveaway
Partnering with Protective Services, HIPAA, and DevSTAC, we launched a new interactive tool to educate our community about best practices in workspace security. Student-workers created an incredible 360 tour of a typical workspace that illustrated multiple security pitfalls and breaches. Anyone who visited our site and completed the quiz was entered in a drawing for a PacSafe Anti-Theft backpack, an RFID-blocking PacSafe Travel Organizer, or a mic-blocker. If you have not already entered, it’s not too late! Visit the site and register before the drawing later this month.

Please visit often for up-to-date guidance, resources, and information, and follow us on Twitter at @WUSTL_InfoSec.