David Puzder is our newest information security team member. David hails from Ohio and is a recent graduate of the University of Dayton. He splits his time as an Information Security Analyst between Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) and Information Security Awareness, Behavior, and Culture. With the GRC, he will identify internal and third-party risks and develop policies to help mitigate those risks. The rest of the time, David will help foster the security-aware culture of Washington University by producing original communications and training materials.

With his background in cybersecurity and communications, David hopes to make the complicated and ever-changing world of cybersecurity safer and easier to follow. His fascination with Information Security began with Edward Snowden’s information leak in 2013. Ever since, David has advocated for the right to privacy, investigated cybersecurity best practices, and strategically thought “like a hacker” to imagine where our systems need patching.
Personally, David tries to live a holistic life. He loves to engage with nature through outdoor exercises like hiking, biking, and kayaking. On rainy days, he reads a balance of fiction and non-fiction, watches movies, or maintains his playlists on Spotify. David is grateful to have visited seven countries in North America and hopes to visit every other continent. Well, every continent except Antarctica… Brrr.