(Un)encrypted Messaging Under Hacked Telecoms 

One businessman spies on other businessman's phone looking over the shoulder

In October 2024, the Wall Street Journal reported a large cyberattack against U.S. telecommunications companies. The FBI, NSA, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency released new guidelines for protecting communications infrastructure in the United States. Despite the government’s efforts, the Chinese hackers continue their hacking of US telecom networks.  If the most valuable items on your […]

Scam of the Month: Phish Text “from David Perlmutter” 

"Max, let me know if you're available at the moment! David H. Perlmutter" "Yes, I am." "I'm at a meeting. I can't make a call, I'm excellent with texts I Need you to run a quick task."

The Office of Information Security has observed a trend in which criminals impersonate Dean David Perlmutter over text message. Impersonation is one of the most effective social engineering tactics used by scammers, and it can be particularly powerful when the person being impersonated is in a position of authority.  If you see a message like […]

What is Full Disk Encryption and why should I care about it?

security icon

Did you know that all hard drives and any permanent storage must contain disk encryption if they stored PHI in the past, present or future? Why is this important? Sensitive and/or regulated data on encrypted drives in a computer that is lost, stolen, or improperly disposed of cannot be viewed without a special “key” only available […]

Scam of the Month: Class Action Lawsuits 

Notice ID: KATL0257102450 Confirmation Code: n449Jb9CfmU9 United States District Court for the Northern District of California Katz-Lacabe et al v. Oracle America, Inc., Case No. 3:22-cv-04792-RS NOTICE OF PROPOSED CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT Our Records Indicate You May Be Entitled to a Payment from a Class Action Settlement Because Your Personal Data May Have Been Collected by Oracle America, Inc. A federal court authorized this notice. You are not being sued. This is not an advertisement. (Para la notificación en español, visite el sitio web.) A Settlement has been proposed in class action litigation against Oracle America, Inc. (“Oracle”). This class action alleges that Oracle improperly captured, compiled, and sold individuals’ online and o􀆯line data to third parties without obtaining their consent. Oracle denies all the allegations made in the lawsuit and any wrongdoing and maintains that its practices were lawful and disclosed to individuals. Who is included in the Settlement? You are included if you are a Settlement Class Member, which is defined as “all natural persons residing in the United States whose personal information, or data derived from their personal information, was acquired, captured, or otherwise collected by Oracle Advertising technologies or made available for

According to the Duane Morris Class Action Review 2025, class action lawsuits “broke the $40 billion mark for the third year in a row.” Large companies like Apple, Meta, and Disney each found themselves paying millions in settlements. Whether the payments are big or small, how should you react to a settlement notice?  The notices […]

Scam of the Month: Holiday Scams 

One woman with Santa Hat lost her money to a credit card scam.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation warns the public about scams during the holidays. The big four scams of the season are:  According to the Internet Crime Complaint Center’s (IC3) 2023 report, non-payment and non-delivery scams cost people over $281 million that year. Credit card fraud accounted for another $264 million in losses.  Click with caution Don’t click any suspicious links […]

Elect to Receive Your Tax Documents Electronically 

Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement phrase on the page.

Provide consent to receive electronic delivery of your tax documents by December 31, 2024. This will allow you to receive your W-2 form online as soon as it is available in Workday. You will be notified by email in January when your electronic W-2 form is available. Manage printing elections of your tax forms in Workday and refer to […]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2024 Recap

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2024 is coming to a close. This year, we hosted two webinars, promoted key behaviors to encourage every employee to take control of their online lives, and published weekly newsletters full of content authored by the Office of Information Security.  Below, you will find a recap of some of the key events […]

Scam of the Month: VITAL ALERT! READ N0W! 

The Office of Information Security has observed a trend in which criminals advertise a job using a student’s email address from Clark Atlanta University. Impersonation is one of the most effective social engineering tactics scammers use, and it can be particularly enticing if offered employment.  If you see a message like the one below, please […]

Careers in InfoSec: From Media Development to Building Security Culture

Business mentor helps to improve career and holding stairs steps vector illustration.

With the highly technical appearance of information security, entering the field may seem daunting. What does it actually take to work in information security? In this series, we’ll cover WashU’s information security professionals and how they got to where they are now. Let me introduce you to my boss, Quint Smith.  What is your current […]

Securing Mobile Devices

Device security is essential for protecting your privacy and data. Top-notch device security involves tweaking built-in features. Protect your devices and data using the strategies in the how-to guides below.

The Dangers of AI Art and Deepfakes

Deepfake visualization

Artificial intelligence art generators are trained on billions of existing images. When you enter a prompt, the AI art generator builds an image by combining aspects of its training data into a single image. Meanwhile, deepfakes are trained on photographs and videos of one subject to replicate that subject. Deepfake technology can depict a person […]

QR Code Safety

QR codes (quick-response codes) were originally designed to label automobile parts, but today, we can find them in advertisements, restaurants, museums, mobile ticketing, and many other areas. Since both Androids and iPhones can scan QR codes in the camera app, QR codes provide faster access to a website than manually typing a URL. While convenient, the […]

Spot the Fake Login

Scammers can create fake login screens that are strikingly similar to legitimate ones. One of the login screens pictured above is our true WUSTL login screen, and the other is an imitation. Can you spot all of the differences? To make this more challenging, we’ve cropped out the URL from each login screenshot. Seeing the […]

Stay Safer with Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor authentication provides another layer of security for online accounts. The first “factor” for an account is usually a password, and any additional authentication step makes it harder for a hacker to access your account. Common multifactor authentication offerings are codes sent via text or email, dedicated authenticator apps like Duo, and fingerprint or facial […]

Managing Passwords

1 Make them long. At least 16 characters - longer is stronger! 2 Make them random. Two ways to do this are: Use a random string of letters (capitals and lower case), numbers and symbols (the strongest!): cXmnZK65rf*&DaaD Create a memorable passphrase of 5-7 unrelated words: HorsPerpleHatRunBayconShoos Get creative with the spelling to make it even stronger. 3 Make them unique. Use a different password for each account: k8dfh8c@Pfv0gB2 LmvF%swVR56s2mW e246gs%mFs#3tv6. Tip! Use a password manager to remember them.

Using strong passwords with the help of a password manager is one of the easiest ways to protect your accounts and keep our information safe. Let a password manager do the work A password manager creates, stores, and fills passwords for us automatically. This way, we only have to remember one strong password—for the password […]

Cyber Risks at a New Job

ONBOARDING text graphics and illustration on a white background.

The onboarding process creates a unique set of security risks. As new employees, we’re often eager to make a good impression, but we have little institutional knowledge. These factors make new employees valuable targets for hackers. Due to unfamiliarity with WashU’s processes and security protocols, a new employee might not know how to recognize an email […]

Google’s Phishing Quiz Game

Google’s Jigsaw unit published a quiz that tests the taker’s ability to identify phishing emails. The quiz tests you on eight emails to see if you can distinguish between legitimate emails and phishing scams. Many of the examples come from real events, such as the massive phishing attempt that hit Google Doc users in 2017 and an email that Russian […]

Outsmart Online Outlaws

Phishing is an illegal tactic where criminals send fraudulent emails to trick victims into sharing their personal information or compromise their system. The good news is at WashU we can use the Phish Alert Button whenever we’re unsure about an email’s authenticity. Step 1: Recognize the common signs Step 2: When in doubt, report it! […]

Where to Report Cybercrime

Woman on the phone in front of a computer

With many kinds of cybercrime come many different ways to report it. Most of us will encounter cybercrime, so here are resources on where to report it. Hacked Account Report your hacked account to theplatform’s support team. Below are reporting guides for popular platforms: WUSTL Key, Facebook, Google, Instagram, PayPal, Snap, TikTok, YouTube  Ransomware If […]

Raising Digital Citizens

School kids using computer in classroom at elementary school.

Giving children uninhibited access to the internet can put your child, computer, and personal data at risk. With some precautions, you can set your children up to become upstanding digital citizens who will lead the future. Parental Controls Most devices these days have parental controls that allow parents to restrict access to certain content for […]

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Webinar: Detecting AI Voice Clones TBD TBD. Webinar: Review of a Security Incident 10/23 11:00am-11:45am. E-Waste Recycling 10/29 8:00am-10:30am.

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a global effort to help everyone stay safe and protected when using technology whenever and however you connect. The Office of Information Security is proud to champion this online safety and education initiative this October.   All month long, we are promoting these key behaviors to encourage you, our WashU community, […]

Scam of the Month: Voter Registration Scams

Your vote matters

With the approach of Missouri’s last day to register to vote before the November election, October 9, expect scammers to take advantage of the situation. We Americans are accustomed to election advertisements and voter registration campaigns, so when a scammer reaches out under the pretense of campaigning, it can be hard to spot the ruse. […]

Protect yourself from Identity Theft

Identity Theft

National Public Data, a background check company, confirmed in August that it suffered a data breach leaking names, email addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, and mailing addresses.   Fortunately, there are many free and accessible steps you can take to defend against identity theft:  Indicators of Identity Theft  What to do if your information is […]

Scam of the Month: Remote/Part-Time Intern for a Virtual Assistant

Remote/Part-Time Intern for a Virtual Assistant. Melissa Lorenzo Torres . RMF Resume file.pdf

The Office of Information Security has observed a trend in which criminals advertise a job while impersonating someone from a university in Mexico. Impersonation is one of the most effective social engineering tactics scammers use, and it can be particularly enticing if offered employment.    If you see a message like the one below, please do […]

InfoSec Alert: PHI not allowed in Adobe AI Assistant

Screenshot of Adobe's AI assistant

Use of Adobe’s AI Assistant with HIPAA Protected Health Information (PHI) is not permitted at WashU. While Adobe’s information security and intellectual property protections are compatible with other uses, federal law requires a Business Associates Agreement (BAA) before HIPAA PHI may be shared with a third party. Non-AI Assistant use of Adobe desktop products keeps […]

Scam of the Month: Washington University – internship and management Programs – PAID

Washington University - internship and management Programs - PAID Laura Arroyo Martinez Human Resources Department.pdf

The Office of Information Security has observed a trend in which criminals advertise a job while impersonating someone from a university in Mexico. Impersonation is one of the most effective social engineering tactics scammers use, and it can be particularly enticing if offered employment.   If you see a message like the one below, please do […]

Scam of the Month: Direct deposit bank account changed 

The Office of Information Security observed a trend where criminals email members of our community false direct deposit change notifications with a malicious link. They hope the victim will click the link and give their WashU credentials or direct deposit information. Payroll Services does not change direct deposit information. Only employees can change it themselves […]

InfoSec Alert: Microsoft ‘Recall’ Feature

Microsoft has released some Windows 11 PCs with a new feature called ‘Recall,’ which has privacy and security issues. ‘Recall,’ if enabled, takes screenshots of all activity in Windows 11 and then places that information in local storage for future access. No action is needed at this time – ‘Recall’ is off by default and […]

Scam of the Month: Duo Verification Code Text Phishing 

WUSTL EDU ALERT! You submitted your Edu details for verification in other to put a stop to your email termination process Reply with a YES if you are available to carry out your verification process now which requires a verification code Failure to reply now will result in the termination of your account shortly IT management

Criminals who’ve stolen WUSTL Keys and passwords are masquerading as IT support over text messages to get us to enter Duo verification codes. Legitimate WashU employees will not ask you to enter codes into your Duo app. Only enter a verification code if you are logging in for yourself. Do not enter a code given […]

Phishing Alert: Verified Duo Push Scam

Members of the WashU community are receiving fraudulent phone calls from criminals asking them to enter a three-digit code into the Duo app. What you should do The only time you should type in the three-digit code into Duo is if you are logging in for yourself. Do not enter a code given to you […]

Passkeys Over Passwords 

Are you tired of trying to create and remember every password? Are you worried that you might lose your password? Do you feel overwhelmed by the number of password managers to choose from? If so, there is good news on the horizon. The FIDO Alliance created a passwordless sign-in system that addresses these problems, and […]

Scam of the Month: Outstanding Toll Amount 

Text message saying: (State Toll Service Name): We've noticed an outstanding toll amount of $12.51 on your record. To avoid a late fee of $50.00, visit https://myturnpiketollservices.com to settle your balance.

Road trip season is approaching, and the FBI has observed criminals impersonating road toll collection services via text message. While there is only one toll bridge in Missouri – the Lake of the Ozarks Community Bridge (for now) – many neighboring states operate toll roads.   If you see a message like the one below, please […]

Summer Break Travel and Job-Hunting Tips 

Cyclist rides their bike past Brookings Hall

Summer break is right around the corner, and many in the WashU community will be traveling or looking for a summer job. Unfortunately, the devices we rely on for managing travel have also become targets for theft and cybercrime.   Whether you are searching for a job or taking a trip, please protect yourself and the […]

Scam of the Month: DEA Impersonation Phone Call 

According to Washington University School of Medicine Protective Services, the WUSM Physical Therapy department received a call from someone impersonating the DEA to steal personally identifiable information.  In the call, they claimed to be an investigator from the DEA headquarters, saying that a nurse practitioner had reported fraud under their name, medical license number, and […]

The Deaf Lottery Scam 

Back in his federal law enforcement days, WUSM’s Assistant Director of Investigations and Crime Prevention, Steve Manley, came upon an advance fee scam. An informant who operated a corner store in East St. Louis called him one afternoon. He told Manley a customer was sending large sums of money to Nigeria via Western Union. The caller […]

New Device Registration Process for the Wired Network on the WUSM Campus

WashU IT, Information Security, and WUSM ITSS are introducing a new registration process for devices connecting to the wired network. This change will further protect patient, student, research, and academic data from bad actors. We will begin implementing this change in early 2024. It will be rolled out in a measured pace to minimize impact […]


From: Lexus Scott Subject: RESEARCH ASSISTANT VACANCY FOR UNDERGRADUATE REDEFINED RESEARCH ASSISTANT OPPORTUNITY Washington University in St. Louis Department of Computer Science & Engineering at is looking for research assistants who are willing to work remotely for $350 a week. Students from any department at the university may participate in the study. Text Professor Patrick Crowley at (505) 309-0428 with your full name, email address, department, and year of study to receive the job description and additional application requirements. Many Regards. Professor of Computer Science, Patrick Crowley.

The Office of Information Security has observed a trend in which criminals advertise a job while impersonating a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering. Impersonation is one of the most effective social engineering tactics used by scammers, and it can be particularly enticing if offered employment.  If you see a message like the one below, […]

Security Tips for Spring Break

Dog on beach

Spring Break is right around the corner, and many in the WashU community will be traveling for conferences, studying away, researching elsewhere, visiting family, or just going somewhere relaxing. No matter where you go, your smartphone will undoubtedly be at your side. These handy devices have become our constant companions for just about anything you […]

Keep Your Information Secure This Tax Season

tax scam words on calculator display with tax forms

Tax season officially begins on January 29, and internet scammers will capitalize on the moment. The Internal Revenue Service initiates most contact through regular mail delivered by the United States Postal Service. Sometimes, they will call or visit, but other than that, “The IRS doesn’t initiate contact with taxpayers by email, text messages or social […]

Scam of the Month: COVID-19 Variant Poses Risks in our University 

From: Wustl Health Care Center Subject: Emergency Notice: COVID-19 Variant Poses Risks in our University I trust this message finds you in good health. I am writing to share critical information that impacts the health and safety of our academic community. Regrettably, we have recently received confirmation of a positive COVID-19 variant test result for a member of our university staff. Despite a significant portion of our staff and faculty being vaccinated, it is crucial to acknowledge that certain variants may pose challenges even to those who have received the vaccine. As a precautionary measure, we are actively initiating contact tracing to identify and mitigate potential risks. To assist us in determining whether you have been in close proximity to the affected staff member, we have established a dedicated webpage for your convenience. Please click the following link: [Access Detailed Staff Information] to review specific details about the individual in question. Prompt reporting of any interactions or contact is crucial, as it greatly contributes to the overall safety and security of our community. We understand that this news may be concerning, but please rest assured that our medical team is available to address any questions and provide guidance. You can contact them at [Healthcare@wustl.edu], and they will offer the necessary assistance. Our commitment to your well-being and the creation of a secure working environment remains steadfast. We kindly ask for your cooperation in this matter, as it is vital for our collective efforts to contain the virus and uphold the safety of our community. Confidentiality Notice: This email and its attachments are confidential and intended solely for the recipient. In line with privacy guidelines, we kindly request that you refrain from sharing or forwarding this message. PLEASE AVOID SHARING THIS EMAIL WITH ANYONE. We sincerely appreciate your dedication to our university community, and together, we will navigate through this challenge and emerge stronger. Best regards, Washington University in St. Louis Health Care Center Contact: (616) 526-7052

The Office of Information Security has identified a trend in which criminals send members of our community false COVID-19 contact tracing emails with a malicious link. They hope a victim will click the link and give their WashU credentials. In this scam, hackers use a compromised email address from Brown University to send phishing emails. […]

Duo Exceptions

The DUO Two-Factor Authentication upgrade was deployed on November 20, 2023, to enhance and secure WashU systems and applications access. A smartphone or tablet with the Duo Mobile app installed is required to use this new and preferred verified push method of multi-factor authentication. There are circumstances where you might not be able to download […]

New Digital Guardian Prompt 

Digital Guardian, the data loss prevention software, has been updated to detect and alert when sensitive information, such as Protected Health Information (PHI) or Personally Identifiable Information (PII), is shared to public websites, including Artificial Intelligence sites such as ChatGPT.  We are tuning Digital Guardian to reduce the number of false alerts and enhance our […]

Retirement of Secure WUSM Infosec Bulletin


To simplify the critical messages you receive about information security at the university, the Office of Information Security is retiring the Secure WUSM Infosec bulletin. Instead, the content will now be published in this newsletter. That means there will be fewer university-wide emails! Additionally, we are folding Secure WUSM itself into the organization-wide CyBear Secure […]

Tips for Traveling and Shopping Safely This Holiday Season 

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday behind us, it can be tempting to impulse buy any remaining discounted items. Before getting caught up in a “while supplies last” frenzy, remember that scammers capitalize on hasty decisions involving payment information. According to the Internet Crime Complaint Center’s (IC3) 2022 report, non-payment and non-delivery scams cost people more […]

Scam of the Month: Charity Scam

Did a charity reach out to you for a donation? Here's how to give safely and avoid a scam: Never donate with a gift card or by wiring money. Credit card and check are safer. Search the charity name online. Do people say it's a scam? Watch for names that only look like well-known charities. Look up a charity's report and ratings: give.org charitywatch.org candid.org charitynavitor.org Ask how much of your donation goes to the program you want to support. Donating through a charitable fundraising platform? Be sure you know where the money is going.

If You Sent Money to a Scammer  Scammers often insist that you pay in ways that make it tough to get your money back. They prefer you wire money through a company like Western Union or MoneyGram, send cryptocurrency, use a payment app, or buy a gift card and give them the redemption code. Regardless of how you lost money to a scam, […]

Protecting against cybersecurity risks with Microsoft 365 A5 security

WashU uses tools from the Microsoft 365 A5 security suite to detect and respond to cybersecurity threats. Most of the tools in the suite are designed to work behind the scenes so that students, faculty, and staff are not interrupted by the security features. Here is a brief overview of Microsoft 365 A5 tools and […]

Elect to Receive Your Tax Documents Electronically

Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement phrase on the page.

Provide consent to receive electronic delivery of your tax documents by December 31, 2023. This will allow you to receive your W-2 form online as soon as it is available in Workday. You will be notified by email in January when your electronic W-2 form is available. Manage printing elections of your tax forms in Workday and […]