Third-Party Vendor Onboarding
The vendor onboarding process allows our office to better understand the types of data involved in your project and the capacity of third-party service vendors to secure those data. This process empowers project owners to select vendors that care about security.
To complete the onboarding process, you will need to provide information about the kinds of data involved in your project and the product or service provided by the vendor. Please provide as much detail as possible as you complete this form so we can accurately complete our risk assessment.
For a full preview of what to expect, please review our guidance for this process.
1. To onboard a vendor, first click on “Third Party Onboarding Checklist” on the OIS Forms page.
2. Enter your WUSTL email address in the login page. If you aren’t already logged in with DUO, you will be prompted to complete our WashU 2FA process.
3. From the Self Service Assessment main page, click “Launch” under Vendor Onboarding.
4. Name the assessment using the convention “Vendor Name, New Request.” And select the business unit for which the vendor will be used.
5. You will need to complete two questionnaires for the onboarding process—the General Questionnaire, and Screening Questions. Click on “General” to get started with questions 1.1-1.7.
Please have the following information ready to submit:
1.1 Vendor Name
1.2 Type of vendor (i.e., consulting, regulatory, technology, operations, strategic, unknown).
1.3 Expected procurement or purchase date
1.4 Products or services provided (select all that apply from pop-out menu)
1.5 Vendor processing activities (select all that apply from pop-out menu)
1.6 WashU responsible party (select name from pop-out menu)
1.7 Describe the University benefit/purpose or working with this vendor.
1.8 Primary Vendor Contact
6. Click the forward arrow to continue or “Save and Exit” to come back later.
7. Complete the Screening Questionnaire. Please be prepared to answer the following questions:
2.1 Have you explored all WashU-U provided options that may be available to meet this need?
2.2 Will the vendor be storing ePHI?
2.3 Will the vendor be viewing, collecting, processing, and/or otherwise have access to protected and/or confidential data of the University’s consumers, employees, and/or third parties?
2.4 (If you selected “yes” to question 2.3) What protected and/or confidential data will be shared with this Vendor? Select all that apply.
2.5 (If you selected “yes” to question 2.3) Will any data be transferred outside of the United States?
2.6 Will the vendor be hosting any of the Company’s data off-site?
2.7 Does this implementation affect another project(s) at the University?
2.8 Will this implementation involve EPIC data?
2.9 Will our affiliated hospital system, BJC, be involved in the project implementation?
2.10 Will the vendor have remote access to the Company’s network?
2.11 Will the vendor have access to source code, repositories, or privileges to commit new code in the Company’s network?
2.12 Will any proprietary or confidential business information (including customer data) be shared with the vendor?
2.13 Does the vendor serve critical business functions (i.e., those functions, which if corrupted or disabled, are likely to result in mission degradation or failure)?
2.14 How would you characterize the potential effect if this vendor were responsible for the unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, the information shared with them? (select: limited adverse effect; severe adverse effect; severe or catastrophic effect).
2.15 Overall, how would you characterize the potential effect if this vendor were responsible for the unauthorized modification or destruction of the information shared with them? (select: limited adverse effect; severe adverse effect; severe or catastrophic effect)
2.16 Overall, how would you characterize the effect the disruption of access to or use of information have on operations, assets or individuals? (select: limited adverse effect; severe adverse effect; severe or catastrophic effect)
8. When you have completed all of the required questions, the Submit button will become available. Click the button to submit your questionnaires.